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Maturing Hairline: Should You Be Worried?

Are you concerned with your high hairline? 

You might have noticed it go back by an inch or so as you age. What if I told you that you have nothing to be worried about and that it is only a sign that you’re maturing? 

Without further ado, let’s talk facts about maturing hairlines and why you shouldn’t turn your hair grey worrying about it.

What is a maturing hairline?

what is a maturing hairline

Let us understand what a maturing hairline is.

Just like you begin to grow a beard at a particular age, you also begin to develop a new hairline as you enter adulthood. This new hairline is called a maturing hairline. It usually occurs between the ages of 17 and 30. When your hairline matures, it begins to extend higher up your skull, by half to one inch. 

A normal hairline is a point at which your hair ceases to grow. But, in the case of a maturing hairline, it begins to rise higher than your normal hairline. However, this is not the case in all men. While most men experience hairline maturation, others may not. They might be left with what is known as a juvenile hairline.

A maturing line is V-shaped and emerges inwards at the corners. Leonardo Di Caprio, Hollywood’s inimitable heartthrob, is a wonderful specimen of a man with a mature hairline.

What is a juvenile hairline?

If you are one of those rare individuals who has a juvenile or young hairline, it’s time to rejoice. While some people might call juvenile hairlines a flaw or defect, they are actually quite common and not something that should be the cause for concern.  

It is important to note that the juvenile hairline is not the same thing as the maturing hairline. Juvenile hairline refers to an adolescent's natural growth pattern which generally doesn't change after the age of 17-30 years old (the exact timeframe varies depending on the person).

A juvenile hairline will typically end in a pointed "V" shape at the temples with either straight or wavy strands of hair coming down from each side. The V shape of the adolescent hairline can appear juvenile in nature, even after the age of 18.

All you need to know about maturing hairlines and hair follicles

receding hairline male

The biological reason for a developing hairline is a male hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone that is more powerful than testosterone and is responsible for a deep voice, facial, and body hair development.

DHT attaches itself to hair follicles, causing them to shrink and fall out, exposing your developed hairline. It just so happens that if your body overproduces DHT, you might experience baldness. However, this is an extreme case.

A maturing hairline is perfectly normal and affects virtually all men in the world, with the exception of a small number of men. These men retain their rounded corners. Apart from hormones, other factors that influence hairline changes include underlying health problems, hormone treatments, medications, and genetics.

Characteristics of a mature hairline

Do you still have concerns about your hairline and want to know the major signs of a maturing hairline? Here are a few pointers for you:

1. Try to measure the distance between your hairline and the highest wrinkle on your face (Raise your eyebrows). If it exceeds 1.5 inches, then you may be dealing with premature baldness. Otherwise rest assured, it is a maturing hairline.

2. A mature hairline will typically move back evenly, and not fall out all at once.

3. A maturing hairline looks almost like a widow's peak, which is the V-shaped hair that protrudes in the middle of your forehead. The whole mature hairline should vaguely resemble the letter M.

4. The sides of your head will develop inward growth compared to someone with juvenile hair. Those with juvenile hairlines have sides that are rounded and more even than someone with a mature hairline.


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Does a mature hairline stop?

Is this the first time you have paid attention to your hair over the past five years? Are you concerned that you're losing hair over the "deadline" of your mature hairline? Is there a deadline at all?

No. We can't anticipate a deadline in nature, as we all know. However, a mature hairline lasts roughly for five years, between the ages of 17 and 30.  It should not surpass 10 years. If it does, you might be suffering from a receding hairline or balding. It's important to understand the difference between a mature hairline vs receding from hair loss.

Receding hairline vs. maturing hairline vs. baldness

maturing vs receding vs juvenile hairline

A maturing hairline is a receding hairline by definition because it recedes. However, a receding hairline is associated with baldness rather than a normal and healthy loss of hair.

There is a slight distinction between maturing hairline, receding hairline, and balding. Let's find out the differences between each.

Receding hairline

●      Receding hairlines extend more than 1.5 inches past the highest wrinkle of your forehead.

●      It is persistent and fast hair loss. You are far more likely to notice a receding hairline on time.

●      Receding hairlines can be caused by an overproduction of male hormones.

●      The hair at the temples may recede past the ear and may look patchy and bald.

Maturing hairline

●      It only extends up to 1.5 inches past the highest wrinkle on your forehead.

●      It happens over a long period and hair loss is not that detectable in the early stages.

●      It is caused by the regular production of male hormones.

●      The hair at the temples isn’t too high, and some hair still grows firmly around the area.

Male pattern baldness

●      Balding hairlines don't only affect the hairline but leave large and irregular spots of hairless skin on the head.

●      Male pattern baldness happens over a long or short period and hair loss is very apparent and sometimes very fast, affecting the entire hairline.

●      Male pattern baldness is caused by the regular production of male hormones, age, medications and treatment, and much more.

●      There is no regularity in the places where hair loss happens. The hair can fall out from the back leaving the front and vice versa.

Is a receding hairline androgenic alopecia?

Yes, a receding hairline is a type of androgenetic alopecia, which is the most common cause of thinning hair in men.

Alopecia is a genetic condition that causes the hair follicles to shrink and eventually stop producing hair. As age increases, the production of male hormones increases. Eventually, the combination of genetics and aging causes baldness in most men.

How to handle a mature hairline

If you're still uncomfortable about your new hairline, here are a few tips to help you deal with it.

Visit a dermatologist

visit a dermatologist for mature hairline

You can always consult a doctor to confirm if you still have any biases. To be honest, you could be correct and end up identifying a genuine problem with your hairline. After all, if there is a problem, prevention is always better than cure.

Get a new haircut


The best way to embrace your maturing hairline is to try a new look. Spring into action, accept your newfound maturity, and visit a hairstylist for a fresh cut that will complement your new features. 

Hair transplant

hair transplant

Consider looking into getting a hair transplant if your mature hairline moves back far enough to be unsightly. A transplant can give you back the hair you've lost and can help restore your confidence.

A transplant is a surgical procedure in which individual hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the scalp to another. The goal is to improve mature hairline, hair loss, or cover-up scars caused by injury.

There are two basic types: Follicular Unit Transplantation, where hairs are transplanted individually, and follicular unit extraction, where a strip of hair that contains many hairs is removed from an area with healthy hair and then transplanted into the balding regions.

Hair transplants have been around for over 50 years and they can be very successful when done correctly.

The transplant procedure involves removing small plugs of skin that contain one or more hairs from the back or side of the head. This area is generally permanent since it does not lose hair.

The plugs are then transplanted into areas where there is a significant amount of baldness such as where the hairline recedes.

The key to getting great results from hair transplants is to find an experienced and qualified hair transplant surgeon.

Accept that your maturing hairline is normal 

maturing hairline is normal

The aging process brings a slew of physical changes that influence how we look. The truth is that a 70-year-old man shouldn't be too embarrassed about male pattern hair loss or impaired vision. Likewise, a 20-year-old shouldn't feel embarrassed by a maturing hairline. 

Who knows, it can make you more confident since you can now compare yourself to Ryan Reynolds or other handsome men with a mature hairline. If Jude Law could embrace a widow's peak, a maturing hairline should be no big deal for you.

Try lowering your stress levels

stress levels affect hair loss

Stress can be the cause of hair loss, which in turn may lead to premature aging.  Stress affects hair loss because it causes hormonal changes in your body.

When you are stressed, your hair follicles become smaller and produce less hair causing hair thinning, excessive hair shedding, or even baldness.

The more stress hormones released by the adrenal gland, the greater chance for hair breakage and shedding.

Hair growth cycles are irregular due to stress levels so there will be periods where you have an excessive amount of hair followed by periods with little or no new growth at all.

It's important to manage your stress level if you want to maintain healthy hair production! Here are some tips on how to reduce hair loss and male pattern baldness caused by stress.

Exercise regularly

exercise for hair loss

Exercising has a lot of hair benefits including hair regrowth and hair thickness. It brings more blood flow to your hair follicles which will help you produce hair as well as improve the quality of your hair over time as it strengthens hair from its roots.

Plus, exercise releases endorphins that calm you down and leave you feeling happier. A happier mind then means a happier body!

Eat right

healthy diet

Research suggests that Vitamin C might play an important role in slowing hair loss because it aids in collagen production.

Collagen is necessary for ensuring that cells near the dermal papilla (root sheath) are firmly connected to each other. This is very important for combating male pattern baldness because hair is made of dead cells.

Avoid stressful activities

Stress can cause receding hair loss, hair breakage and male pattern baldness so try to figure out what sets you off every day and find ways on how to relieve yourself.

You could walk or exercise more often, go outside for a short stroll or chat with friends over coffee so that you could relax your mind and forget about the things that stress you out.

Change your diet

If male pattern baldness is a concern for you, then there are some steps you can take to address it.  Exercise regularly, eat right and try to avoid stress as much as possible. But if hair loss still remains an issue, there's one more thing you can do- change your diet.  

That's because hair follicles need the right nutrients in order to produce healthy hair cells, so it might be time to trade out that burger for a salad or start snacking on apples instead of chips! Here are some tips on how changing your diet could help with maturing hairlines:


protein for hair loss

Hair is made up of keratin proteins which are responsible for binding together strands. When people have diets high in protein, hair gets stronger and hair loss is minimized.


zinc for hair loss

Zinc helps control your receding hairline by regulating hormones linked to thinning hair or hair loss. It also prevents the scalp from becoming dry.  


fiber for hair loss

Fiber not only keeps you satisfied longer so you won't have an urge to snack on unhealthy foods, but it also has hair benefits and can be found in many fruits and vegetables!

Fiber not only makes you feel full, but it also helps hair stay healthy because hair is made up of dead cells. Since hair fibers are dead, hair doesn't receive nutrients from your body. This means that the follicle will get hair vitamins and minerals from the food you eat so aim for a diet high in nutritious fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, green leafy veggies, and fresh fruit.

How does nutrition affect your hair?

Your hair is your crowning glory. That’s why you spend so much time and money on shampoo, conditioner, treatments, styling products. But have you ever stopped to think about the link between nutrition and healthy hair?

Nutrition is one of the most important things to take into consideration when it comes to dealing with hair loss. A deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals can mean your hair follicles won't function properly.

Even with the healthiest diet, it's hard to get all the nutrients your hair needs to grow strong and healthy. In general, there are certain nutrients that you need to make sure you're getting enough of from food or supplements if you want strong and shiny locks.

Try taking a hair growth supplement

hair growth supplement

Since many hair problems in men come down to an increased level of DHT, it makes sense to try a supplement that works to balance your DHT levels. In addition, there are many nutrients that have been shown to be clinically effective at restoring hair health and combatting a mature hairline.

DHT is responsible for hair loss in more than 95% of cases. DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone and it's a hormone that can affect your hair strands. It promotes a change in the shape of the follicle which leads to less healthy hair cells being made and therefore, thinner or no hair at all on top of your head.  

It also makes your scalp dryer because DHT shrinks blood vessels near your skin so it doesn't get as much oxygen as other parts of your body do.

Poor nutrition is also a major cause of hair loss and male pattern baldness. Not maintaining appropriate levels of certain vitamins and minerals can have detrimental effects on your hair. 

The natural hair growth supplement Noophoric Hair+ was created with all the necessary ingredients for helping grow a thicker hairline and preventing male pattern baldness and hair loss.


Noophoric hair growth supplement


The takeaway

Hopefully, now you understand what the difference is between a mature hairline and a receding hairline. Mature hairlines are just a part of aging and there's nothing wrong with that.

If you think you may be suffering from a receding hairline, you might want to go to a doctor to figure out what the best course of action is to fix it.

Whether your thinner hair pattern is a maturing natural hairline or a receding hairline, just know that your worries are shared by many others and it's nothing to be ashamed of.

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The information on mynoophoric.com is for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice. Readers should not rely on this information as advice to make health decisions. Noophoric is not responsible for any possible health consequences from any person following information that is presented on this website. Readers should consult with their physician before making changes to diet, nutrition, supplementation, medication or lifestyle.