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The Benefits of Spirulina for Hair Growth

Tired of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on hair-loss treatments?

There's a supplement that is all-natural, and extremely healthy.

This article will go over how to use spirulina for hair growth, as well as why this supplement is a good choice for regrowing your hair without the risks associated with medical drugs.

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a natural supplement that can be found in blue-green algae. It has been used for thousands of years by the Aztecs and Mayans, where it was harvested from Lake Texcoco. The discovery of Spirulina was recorded on stone tablets, dating back to the 16th century.

In modern times, people use Spirulina powder to help increase overall health and well-being. Spirulina works as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. When ingested, spirulina protects body tissues against oxidative damage.

Furthermore, it inhibits lipid peroxidation and scavenges free radicals. For hair, these properties will assist in preventing future breakage and restoring current hair fibers; promoting healthier and thicker hair.

10 Benefits of Spirulina for Hair Growth

hair growth supplement vitamins spirulina seaweed kelp

Not only does this superfood help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, but it can also help your hair grow. The blue-green algae Spirulina provides proteins, vitamins, and nutrients that promote hair growth strengthen the follicles to improve growth and encourage healthy locks.

It can also help rid your scalp of dead skin cells; we all know that a buildup of those crinkly crusties doesn't lead to gorgeous hair.

Protein Powerhouse:  

Spirulina is jam-packed with protein (six times more than beef) which not only helps create keratin (the main structure in hair), but it helps maintain collagen too. Collagen works as the glue between cells and keeps our skin elastic and plump. Protein is also needed to create new cells, including those that form keratin.

Spirulina for Growth:  

A study out of the University of Queensland tested 20 healthy men who took this blue-green algae supplement for 12 weeks and found their blood levels of testosterone nearly doubled! Testosterone boosts protein synthesis which leads to faster growth.

Vitamins A, C, E:

 Spirulina has a high concentration of vitamins A and C as well as Vitamin E. These antioxidants protect against free radicals in the environment (super important because pollution causes damage) but they can also help protect from free-radical damage to our hair.

Omega 3s:

 Omega-3 is a fatty acid that can help reduce inflammation and improve scalp circulation which means, more nutrients for the follicles = faster growth!


Iron also helps with blood production and boosts oxygen levels in the body. Oxygenation increases energy which equals less breakage from daily styling and heat tools.

No Heavy Metals:  

Although spirulina is a type of algae, it doesn't contain any heavy metal toxins or contaminants so it won't contribute to hair loss—a major plus if you've got damaged hair! This superfood provides free radical protection while giving your locks everything they need to be strong and shiny.


We hear a lot about zinc these days, it's important for skin health too! It helps reduce inflammation of the scalp and encourages new cell growth—which can be beneficial to prevent hair fall, especially after using styling tools.

Grows Hair Longer + Fuller:

 Spirulina also contains choline which is needed for healthy hair . One German study found that supplementing with choline helped reduce shedding in women suffering from hair loss but didn't affect those who had normal hair.

Biotin + Iron:  

Another hair benefit is that spirulina contains biotin. If you've never heard of biotin before, its benefits are usually tied to nails and skin (since it's a B vitamin). However, biotin promotes cell turnover which speeds up growth. It's also the most commonly prescribed treatment for hair loss. That means if you supplement with spirulina, you'll get more of the biotin you need to fight off your bald spots.

Seaweed + Sea Salt:  

If you're on an island somewhere, this might sound like a fun snack you'd grab at the beachside hut after hitting the waves—but no, these are actually two ingredients that Spirulina is made of!

The iodine in seaweed helps promote thyroid function and boosts metabolism which can help with healthy hair since it stimulates collagen formation.  Plus, Spirulina has sea salt that contains both sodium and chlorine (which also aid healthy thyroid function) and minerals like magnesium which aid in cellular energy production.

3 Ways of Using Spirulina

1. Mix It With Your Shampoo

One way of using spirulina for hair is to add it to your shampoo. This can help to increase the strength and thickness of your hair.

3.  Consume It Orally

You can also take spirulina capsules or tablets as a supplement in order to promote hair growth.

4.  Use It as a Hair Mask

Another way to get the benefits of spirulina for hair is by applying it directly to your scalp. Mix one tablespoon of spirulina powder with enough water to make a paste, then apply it to your scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash it off well and follow up with shampoo.

Other Health Benefits of Spirulina

Apart from hair health Spirulina also promotes other health benefits like the following:

Helps prevent hair loss                           

If you have experienced hair loss in the past, take spirulina supplements about an hour before going to bed so it has time to work its way into your system. 

The B vitamins in spirulina help promote the growth of new cells by 40 percent, so you will notice a gradual improvement in hair. If you have a vitamin deficiency or just started losing hair, consider adding spirulina supplements into your daily routine.

The iron in spirulina helps to increase the amount of hemoglobin in your bloodstream, which means that more oxygen is flowing through your body and promotes hair growth. You should take about 2 tablets of spirulina per day for maximum results.

Controls acne          

 If you are looking for ways to control acne breakouts or other skin problems, try taking spirulina tablets daily before bedtime. This has been known to help reduce the number of blemishes on the skin while strengthening hair follicles at the same time!

Helps to heal the digestive system

Taking spirulina for hair is not the only way it can help your body. Spirulina contains natural antibacterial and antiviral properties which make it ideal for helping to maintain a healthy gut. It has been known to help treat ulcers and improve IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), as well as prevent leaky gut syndrome.

Reduces stress & anxiety

 Spirulina is full of amino acids that promote feelings of relaxation and reduce stress. This can indirectly lead to healthier hair since you will feel less stressed about your appearance.

Promotes weight loss

An additional benefit of spirulina supplements is that they are known to help people lose weight. If you are eating a balanced diet and taking spirulina, you will stay fuller for longer periods of time which can help reduce overall calorie intake throughout the day.

Why are nutritional supplements good for preventing hair loss?

Nutritional supplementation is one of the best choices for anyone who wants to prevent their hair from falling out or thinning too much without having access to expensive treatments or surgery. Spirulina does not have any negative side effects, and it is extremely easy to find and purchase through nearly any Internet marketplace (including Amazon and eBay).

Another good thing about spirulina for hair is that it's completely natural. There's no need to worry about spending money on treatments when the solution is simple enough to be found in your kitchen or bathroom! You can even grow it yourself if you want to save some money (although this will take time and effort, so don't expect instant results).

How long does it take for Spirulina to work and is there a specific treatment regimen you should follow?

spirulina health benefits

The recommended dosage of spirulina for hair is 2 grams per day. Taking more than this will have no additional benefit, so keep that in mind.

You should start to see results within about 4-6 months if you are taking the right dosage of spirulina for hair.

It can take upwards of a year before seeing major results, but that's okay because once you start seeing results it will be worth it! Once your hair starts growing back, you won't regret starting to use this supplement.

Does Spirulina Block DHT?

Dihydrotestosterone is produced when testosterone reacts with an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This happens largely in the prostate gland, but also in skin cells and hair follicles too.

Is it actually possible to block the effects or production of dihydrotestosterone or DHT?

The short answer is yes.

Whilst spirulina isn't specifically created for this purpose, if you stay on top of your diet and supplement routine (with spirulina included) then you can greatly reduce any negative effect that DHT may have.

Side Effects of Using Spirulina

There are some possible side effects of using Spirulina. These side effects can include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you experience any of these side effects, you should stop taking Spirulina and talk to your doctor.  There is a possibility of increased sunlight sensitivity while taking Spirulina, so you should avoid direct sunlight and wear sunscreen.

There are no known interactions between Spirulina and other medications or supplements, but it's always best to check with your doctor before beginning any new medication or supplement regimen.

Spirulina side effects can be unpleasant for those who experience them. They range from mild stomach discomfort to severe vomiting and diarrhea.  If these symptoms do not end within three days after stopping the Spirulina supplements, you should see a doctor as soon as possible as they may be signs of an allergic reaction, which requires immediate medical attention.

Other side effects include:

  • nausea
  • indigestion
  • headaches
  • itching around the mouth or throat,
  • fatigue and changes in skin color.

Key Takeaway

The key takeaway from this article is that Spirulina is full of amino acids and can help improve hair growth. This is because Spirulina is a rich source of nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

In addition, Spirulina helps improve the health of your hair by promoting blood flow to the scalp. For people with thinning hair, the benefits of Spirulina may be helpful in finding a way to speed up their hair growth and regain some thickness.

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